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Night Hunt Flames



Entry for :iconlunameyza:´s Night of the Hunters Event

Horse name: Erevan van Norracum (age 20 years)
Breed: farrosian horse
Rider: Finn Teagan
Stable: Flag of Slovakia  DragonHillCastle Stables



    Ďalší súťažiaci vošiel do arény. Ešte chvíľu a budú na rade oni. Finn pre istotu ešte raz skontroloval výstroj, najmä sedlo, keď Erevan nervózne poskočil.
    „Hou. Pokoj chlapče,“ potľapkal ho po krku, aby ho upokojil. Žrebec frkol a pohodil hlavou. Tak ako pred každou súťažou, bol trocha nesvoj. Obzvlášť teraz. Bola to ich prvá súťaž po tom nešťastnom zranení v boji, hoci to bol iba lov – i keď neobyčajný. Finn prešiel pred Erevana a hladil ho po nose. Kôň si o neho oprel hlavu.
    „Vidíš, bude to v pohode,“ prihováral sa mu. Erevan ticho zaerdžal a túžobne pozrel po kapse, čo mal Finn na opasku. Ten sa usmial.
    „Dobre, výnimočne ešte jednu,“ a podal mu kocku cukru. „Zbytok až po súťaži,“ zastrájal sa, zatiaľ čo kôň s pôžitkom prežúval.
    Jeden z usporiadateľov prišiel Finnovi povedať, že o chvíľu idú. Nasadol teda a nachystal si luk. Škoda že si nemohol vziať kušu. Z luku ale nestrieľal už celkom dlho, tak si to aspoň osviežil. Musel ale priznať, že aj on bol trocha nervózny. Keď ale kráčali do arény, nervozita bola razom preč.
    „Tak, začíname,“ povedal viac-menej sám pre seba. Erevan mu ale aj tak frknutím odpovedal.
    Keď sa za nimi zavrela brána, chvíľu sa dívali okolo seba, keď zrazu Finn zbadal záblesk svetla.
    „Ideme!“ naviedol koňa nohami smerom, kam svetelné zviera ufujazdilo, a založil šíp. Ešteže Erevan bol už v pôvodnej forme, lebo zajac, ako sa ukázalo o pár okamihov, kľučkoval. Finn zamieril a vystrelil - priamy zásah! Sledoval, ako svetlo prechádza do jeho náramku. Rozsvietila sa malá bodka.
    „To je super!“ povedal Finn. „Zbožňujem lov!“

    Celkom sa im darilo. Náramok teraz svietil ako pestrofarebná slávnostná ozdoba. Išli krokom a Finn sa díval na zem, či niečo nezazrie. A zazrel. Stopy.
    „Jeleň! Uškrnul sa. Išli teda po nich. Netrvalo dlho a zbadali ho. Vznešený, žiarivo červený. Všimol si ich a bral sa preč.
    „Za ním!“ Toto veru nebola ľahká korisť. Okrem kľučkovania si to namieril rovno do húštiny. Miestami ho ani poriadne nevideli – len žiaru, čo sa ťahala za ním. Potom si Finn všimol, že sú skoro na jeho úrovni. Pred nimi bola čistina. Popchol Erevana, aby pridal. Len čo vybehli spomedzi stromov, stočili to prudko doľava, priamo k jeleňovi, čo vyskočil spoza stromu. Šíp sa zabodol priamo do miesta, kde by bolo srdce.
    „Skvelá práca,“ pochváli žrebca. Ten hrdo zaerdžal.



    Another competitor enetered the arena. Few moment and will be their turn. Finn wanted to be sure, so he check equipment once more, expecially the saddle, when Erevan jumped nervously.
    „Hou. Easy boy,“ patted him on the nech to calm him down. Stallion snorted and shook his head.He was a little uncomfortable, as before every competition. Especially now. This was their first competition after Erevan´s injury on battle, even though this was only a hunt – although unusual. Finn walked before Erevan and stroke his nose. Horse leaned his head on him.
    „You see, it´ll be fine,“ he pleaded to horse. Erevan neighted and looked wistfully at pocket on Finn´s belt. He smiled.
    „Ok, one more, expectionally,“ and handed hima sugar cube. „The rest you will get after competition,“ he said, while Erevan was chewing with pleasure.
    One of the organizers came to Finn to say him, that thei will go for a moment. Thus he mounted, and had set a bow. Too bad he could not take his crossbow. He wasn´t shooting from bow for a while, so at least he refreshed it. But he had to admit, that even he was a little bit nervous. But when they walked into the arena, anxiety was suddenly gone.
    “So, we begin,” he said more or less to himself. Bur Erevan still answered him by snort.
    When the gate clodsed behind them, they were looking around, when suddely Finn saw a flash of light.
    „Let´s go!“ He instigates horse by legs to direction in which light animal ran away, and prepared an arrow. Thank gods Everan was already in his original form, because the hare, as it turned out a few moment, handles. Finn aimed and fired – a direct hit! He watches as the light passes into the bracelet. Then a small dot lights up.
    „That´s awesome!“ Finn said. „I love hunting.“

    In total, they were quite succesfull. Bracelet now shone as brightly colored decoration. They went by walk and Finn was looking to the groud, if he spot something. And spotted. Tracks.
    „Deer,“ he grinned. So they wend after him. It did not take long and they saw him. Noble, bright red. He noticed them and run off.
    “Get him!” Thus truly not was an easy prey. In addition of dribbling, it pointed right into the thicket. At times they not even seen him – just glow, which was pulled behind him. Then Finn noticed, that they are almost on his level. Before them was glade. He spurred Erevan to fast up. As soon they ran among the trees, had turned sharply to the left, directly to the deer, which jumped out from behind a tree. Arrow stabbed directly to the place, where the heart were.
    "Great job," says the stallion. He proudly neighted.



ADOBE Photoshop CC
WACOM Intuos Creative Pen S
Time: about 5-6 hours
Reference: For horse - :iconchunga-stock:
For deer and rider - www.google.com
Image size
4819x3000px 12.84 MB
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Chunga-Stock's avatar
This is so cool!!